wow had the most amazing days fishing yesterday. went out fishing in Whangaparoa where i was fishing the rocks, fishing was slow to start until i got chatting to an old fella who came down fishing and we noticed some birds coming around in big numbers further round the rocks and realised there was a work up. I tore off round the rocks and managed to put a bungled cast in close proximity and i was into my first kahawai. I quickly bled it and put another cast in and was into another one but unfortunately i got broken off. by now the work up had gone but i noticed it back where i had started so tore off back to the start. i quickly got my line in and within minutes had another 2 fish including one horse of a kahawai. i had a yak to the old guy again and found he had gotten a couple of snapper. seems the snapper sit under the kahawai and hoover up the leftovers coming down. I was almost going to go home when i noticed it was moving towards the beach so i tore off round and the action was all on again with a massive bust up that was just boiling with fish. a few of the locals had now come down with kids and some were fishing soft baits and catching nothing and i was straight into fish after fish. i gave a few away and got one of the kids to play one of the fish i had. the action just never stopped and by 4pm i had to go and pick up my wife from work. there were dead anchovies galore littering the shore from being washed up and i am sure it would have come round again.
here's a link to something similar to what i saw although not quite as hard out
here is a photo of the fly i was using